Saturday, 16 March 2013

Yet another tool: Weebly

Have been visiting websites for a long time, never thought of how simple it is to create a website. I created my own website using 'Weebly'. Now the challenge is for me to learn how to use the web as an effective teaching tool. Also I need to understand all the functions myself before I embark on sharing this knowledge.
Learning can take place anywhere not necessary a class room. A wonderful tool for distant education. Any subjects can be learned. Students can learn at their own pace.  You can go into other links to research more on your subject. A great way to use websites is to upload class work, projects, research and this can be shared with parents and the community. Homework, quizzes and lessons can be published on a web. Students can create their own website which will give them more confidence in using the web. The web allows us to upload and embed images. Learning is initiated by the student.

The downside is that we should be technology savvy to use a web. There is no monitoring of the amount of time a student has spent on the subject. There is no face to face interaction. It is very impersonal.


  1. Great post! The Internet is so powerful and with the right use of its content, we can gain a lot of knowledge, which can be shared with other people online. The drastic decrease in verbal communication skills is probably the biggest problem for many introverted people who instead of engaging in real-life activities, spend most of their time on the computer.

  2. Hi Meena
    Totally agree with you about the time issue, because the website development can be endless, there is no standard rule of when one stop editing it, so students even teachers can keep spending huge amount of time on it.

    this can be dangerous, but it might be one of the house rule we can set up for student, do such tasks in a limited time, see what happens :)

    see you soon

  3. Hi Meena, I am writing this comment to ask you to be my Blog Buddy. You will find an explanation of what I mean by Blog Buddy at this post
    If you agree that will be fantastic and I will commit to reading and commenting on your blog once a week.
    Cheers Jo

  4. I agree with Tina
    From my experience a website is never complete. It is a good message to remind us all that regular visitors to a site get bored and never come back if they don't see change when they visit.
    When you write your assessment synopsis you should mention this belief. Your beliefs about how ICT works in the school will determine what happens and the level of success. Why not put some voting tools in your site. Please take a look at Oliver's blog.
