Friday, 8 March 2013

Use of Wiki in Teaching and Learning

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My Reflections on Wiki 


My experiences of learning in the past has been personal. This is a new experience to be able to  learn from others and share my opinion. My understanding of the topic was enhanced using Wiki. It was difficult to link the person writing to their content. 
All the learning theories were present in the use of Wiki. 
Behaviorism: As I read other peoples thoughts and opinions I was able to internalize it and share my reflections.
Cognitivism: Reading other people's opinion initially registered as a working memory. My new knowledge was then compared to what I new (Long Term Memory).                
Constructivism: Wiki allowed me to learn through networking and through social interaction. 
Connectivism: I was able to do research on the use of mobile phone in the classroom as a tool to learning, using the various sites to support my understanding.
I liked the way the questions were scaffolded using De Bono's Hats.

I have just been introduced to Wiki. With more practice I will be competent to use it as a teaching tool. I look forward to my journey through the world of technology.


Activity 2: TPACK

What is TPACK?
TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. As teachers we need to know the content of what to teach which is supported by the use of technology. Using appropriate technology in teaching enhances learning. 

As teachers we should know when and where to use technology in the classroom. To keep up with the 21st Century learner it is essential that technology is included in their learning if we want to engage the learner.