Thursday, 28 March 2013

Week 5 Activity.



I had fun writing a story using Zooburst. It is a great tool to use for lower primary. Since I could not access the premium features I was not able to use the audio and other links.

 As I am teaching a Prep class in my Practical, I thought I would use a power point and prepare a sample numeracy lesson. You can see it on my Wiki. 
Sight words, alphabets, numbers, science and other subjects can be taught through power point.
Power point presentation has changed so much since I first used it years ago. So many features have been added to it. Animation, sound, colors, images and links. You can use digital camera and take your own pictures and present it in the power point. I enjoyed developing a numeracy lesson using power point. As the students in Prep are very visual and have not yet learned to read and write this will enhance and engage their learning. At the same time the number names can be learned as a sight word. There are so many features to the Power Point program that older children who use it to present their research will be more creative.
Students need to be aware that they should not lose their content amidst all the images and animation as shown in the video below:

Monday, 25 March 2013

Week 4 Activity:


 (Picture cropped and resized using the MobaPhoto software)

Digital natives are constantly surrounded by visual images.  As teachers we should take advantage of this and use it as a tool in facilitating learning. Teaching with images engages the students. It helps with delivery of content and promotes discussion of a theme. As the above photograph shows images play an important role in all subjects such as history, Geography (maps), home economics. Due to the rapid advancement of technology we now have more access to digital images. There is a lot of visual images available on the internet. Use of Google Image search helps us to find hundreds of images. But it will also retrieve images that are unrelated to the text. Students will need to learn how to select text appropriate image. The images should be relevant to the curriculum being taught,
Fortunately due to the advance in technology, various forms of software are available for teaching.
Pictures taken of experiments, activities in class and outdoors can be uploaded in a blog, wiki or web. Mobaphoto is one such software that allows us to crop, resize, and edit a picture. It is easy to use and we can even have the images as a slide show. We are able to monitor the learning journey of a student through visuals. Being able to edit their own pictures will allow the students to be creative and use them in their projects.


Interestingly I am discovering new software that exists on my computer. It is a great tool to use in the classroom. Very engaging, creative and entertaining. Students can make a movie on a topic they have learned, act and direct a movie relating to the curriculum. Share this with other students too.
This is a great way to keep students involved in learning. They are able to create their own Avatars. It is fun. Students who are not outgoing are able to express themselves through Voki.

Here is an example of how you can use Voki in a classroom.


A very good tool for those who are shy and not confident to talk in a classroom setting. Visual and audio learners benefit using this. It is creative. There are a lot of characters to choose from. You can customize the look, clothes, features, clothes, voice and background. You can email the Voki avatar, link it to your blog, wiki and web page. You can use your own voice or text to voice. Using Voki motivates the students and learning is fun. There is a feature 'Voki Classroom' where each student can be added to the site. Each student can create their own avatar. The teacher can view and approve them on the class page. It can be shared public or private. Voki can be used to introduce a topic. It is a wonderful tool for teaching a language. Assignments can be put on a Voki. It has an advantage where you can leave your own voice. The nuances in your voice can be heard. It is a wonderful way for students to introduce themselves. The students can use a Voki as a character of a story and narrate it. Teachers can use Voki to make classroom announcements. Parents can be invited to a school event using a Voki. Children can create a Voki avatar and invite friends to their birthday party. Voki engages student’s creative expressions.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Yet another tool: Weebly

Have been visiting websites for a long time, never thought of how simple it is to create a website. I created my own website using 'Weebly'. Now the challenge is for me to learn how to use the web as an effective teaching tool. Also I need to understand all the functions myself before I embark on sharing this knowledge.
Learning can take place anywhere not necessary a class room. A wonderful tool for distant education. Any subjects can be learned. Students can learn at their own pace.  You can go into other links to research more on your subject. A great way to use websites is to upload class work, projects, research and this can be shared with parents and the community. Homework, quizzes and lessons can be published on a web. Students can create their own website which will give them more confidence in using the web. The web allows us to upload and embed images. Learning is initiated by the student.

The downside is that we should be technology savvy to use a web. There is no monitoring of the amount of time a student has spent on the subject. There is no face to face interaction. It is very impersonal.

Another Wiki night

Once again I have entered the world of Wiki. Another tool in my learning experience. From my past experience of using Wiki, I found it messy. I have been told messy is good but not too sure. Would I use it as a teaching tool. If it engages and enhances learning I would.
 Constructivism at work here. Another tool where the learner does not just acquire the knowledge but constructs it. It is learner centered.
What is Wiki? It is an online space, like an online butcher paper. You can edit, delete, alter anything that is written on it. It is a collaborative tool. It is a space where you can share your research, knowledge and opinion. Wikipedia is a great example of group work and sharing of knowledge.

No two people can edit a Wiki at the same time. Rules have to be followed and we must be mindful of other peoples input. Fortunately there, you can recall the history. If used as a teaching tool then it needs to be scaffolded. It is not a very safe learning site as anyone can add wrong information.

Every tool has its uses and limitations and Wiki is one of them. It can be useful in the classroom, to plan a field trip. As a group activity to write a book. Solve difficult maths problems. Build a word bank relating to a topic.

image courtesy:

Being part of the Blogging commmunity

It has been an interesting journey so far in ICT. Sharing my thoughts and reflections with the outside world. Learning new skills and collaborating with others. 
What are my thoughts on blogging in context to teaching?
image courtesy:

  •  Through blogs students are able to communicate and interact with the outside world.
  • Can exchange ideas, opinions with others.
  •  Develops a new set of skills and attitudes
  • Teachers can communicate with parents and students
  • Anything that is beneficial to the student can be posted such as assignments, homework, suggested readings.
  • Can be linked to the internet which is related to their topic
  • Class discussion can take place
  • Greater social interaction and gives confidence to students and gives a voice to all students irrespective of who or where they come from.
  • It is easy to use
  • Encourages students to express their thoughts in writing
  • Improves their written expression skill
  • It can be used as a group blog where individual students research and contribute to a part of the topic which put together covers a whole topic
  • Feedback is provided
      image courtesy:
  •  Cyber bullying through comments
  • If not scaffolded properly will not have the desired result
  • Time consuming
  • Needs to be constantly updated 
  • Can be misused if the safe and ethical guidelines are not followed
  • There needs to be a focus 
image courtesy: 
 There are more advantages to disadvantages in using blogs as a learning tool. As teachers we are able to communicate with both the students and their parents. Class newsletters can be posted. Parents are able to contribute to their child's learning. Students learn responsibility. Blogs are engaging.

Here is an example of a teacher being unethical with her postings on the blog.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Use of Wiki in Teaching and Learning

Image retrieved from:

My Reflections on Wiki 


My experiences of learning in the past has been personal. This is a new experience to be able to  learn from others and share my opinion. My understanding of the topic was enhanced using Wiki. It was difficult to link the person writing to their content. 
All the learning theories were present in the use of Wiki. 
Behaviorism: As I read other peoples thoughts and opinions I was able to internalize it and share my reflections.
Cognitivism: Reading other people's opinion initially registered as a working memory. My new knowledge was then compared to what I new (Long Term Memory).                
Constructivism: Wiki allowed me to learn through networking and through social interaction. 
Connectivism: I was able to do research on the use of mobile phone in the classroom as a tool to learning, using the various sites to support my understanding.
I liked the way the questions were scaffolded using De Bono's Hats.

I have just been introduced to Wiki. With more practice I will be competent to use it as a teaching tool. I look forward to my journey through the world of technology.


Activity 2: TPACK

What is TPACK?
TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. As teachers we need to know the content of what to teach which is supported by the use of technology. Using appropriate technology in teaching enhances learning. 

As teachers we should know when and where to use technology in the classroom. To keep up with the 21st Century learner it is essential that technology is included in their learning if we want to engage the learner.